Creating useful educational and training modules in data science for non-technical universities
Our objective
The main objective of the ADSEE project is to deliver useful educational and training programs in data science through the development of educational modules; the adaption of contents and methods according to envisaged needs of the target groups the creation of interactive didactic tools; and the production of guidelines and recommendations for innovative educational approaches in DS.
Special attention will be paid to data science in non-technical universities and its application in non-technical businesses; previous knowledge in this area is not mandatory.
Algebra University College hosted final ADSEE dissemination event!
We can proudly announce that ADSEE project partners have delivered all planned project results. As a final dissemination
Final result of ADSEE project – guidelines for HEIs
In the previous project phases, ADSEE partners created innovative educational modules in data science for non-technical universities. Additionally,
Dissemination event of the ADSEE project on Faculty of Information Studies!
ADSEE project partners have delivered all planned project results (intellectual outputs). This is why in the end of